Tag Archives: Black★Rock Shooter

2012 Anime in Review

yourfavoriteanimeisshitWell, how about that? Turns out the Mayans were wrong. I’ve had my first full year of blogging under my belt and 2012 brought us good things, some bad things, some weird things, Toonami’s return to television, The Avengers, and something that’s so unbelievably horrendous, it’s even worse than Master of Martial Hearts.

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Black★Rock Shooter #8 (END): Li’l Bird Flies Again

“Show me your powers!” “I’ll show you my powers!”

I tell you, I can’t believe my mind managed to survive the mind-boggling noitaminA block this season consisting of Guilty Crown and this show. God I hope tsuritama doesn’t break my mind…
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Black★Rock Shooter #7: Yu Koutari’s Strength

Well, Black★Rock Shooter is not the first anime to drive me to tears as of recently. That honor goes to Persona 4 episode 22.

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Black★Rock Shooter #6: Insanity Begins

It’s strange. I watched Black★Rock Shooter expecting some over-the-top action, and instead I got one of the most dark, depressing mindfucks I’ve ever seen lately. I don’t think I can watch another episode of this show unless I break into tears.

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Black★Rock Shooter #5: “Do you want to save Yomi?”

You Will Be Unprepared

I just realized something about Black★Rock Shooter. It’s like Sucker Punch, but actually pretty good and not as confusing… and even more disturbing. Like, I think I’m gonna lose my mind once this show ends…

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Black★Rock Shooter #4: Yomi Goes Insane

Best school counselor ever, amirite?

Here’s an fun fact: February 24, that’s today (or yesterday in Japan Standard Time) is the birthday of Kana Hanazawa, Mato’s seiyuu!

That aside… What the fuuuuuudge am I watching??!! And I’ve only been saying that about the second half of Guilty Crown as of recently, but this show totally deserves it. It’s official: the noitaminA block is designed to break our minds this season.

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Black★Rock Shooter #3: Therapy? Screw That!!

OK, I understand this show a bit more, but it’s still like trying to understand The Matrix sequels. Not an easy task.
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Black★Rock Shooter #2: OK, I’m still confused, and Kagari is still crazy as fuck.

Why is it that in every anime I’ve been watching as of recently, there’s always that one crazy person?

I suppose it’s Mato’s thing to look at stuff and say their colors. It’s almost feels like I’m watching Sesame Street.

Well, I said I was gonna blog this, but I still quite don’t get it yet, which is why this post is so short. I do like the action scenes since they’re animated spectacularly. I don’t know how they tie into what’s going on between Mato, Yomi and Kagari, though. Hopefully once I understand it a bit more, I can do blog this properly.

Black★Rock Shooter (First Impressions)

Good morning, WordPress. I was originally planning to stay up to watch the first episode and watch subsequent episodes when I wake up, but I decided not to because I got tired of waiting and this week’s Guilty Crown frustrated me to Hell. Japan must think we Americans can sleep when we’re dead. Stupid time zone differences. We watch our anime when they’re asleep, but they watch theirs when we’re asleep.

Here’s a brief history lesson: Black★Rock Shooter originally started out as a music video that came to be due to a collaboration between the illustrator/character designer Huke and the musician Ryo of Supercell, and debuted on the internet in 2008. Here is the music video for your viewing pleasure. Its massive popularity allowed it to later give birth to an OVA that aired in July of 2010, which is the base for this 8-episode TV anime that’s airing in the noitaminA block.

Here’s how the story goes: In a world separate from our own, the titular character finds herself locked into an fierce battle. Meanwhile in another world, a middle school girl named Mato Kuroi finds herself drawn to a strange girl named Yomi Takanashi. She tries to talk to her, but doesn’t get through to her. Once they find similar interests and start opening up to each other, they’re interrupted by the visit of an even stranger girl in a wheelchair named Kagari Izuriha, who frightens Mato away. Apparently, Kagari doesn’t want Mato to be friends with Yomi because she wants Yomi to “take responsibility for what she did”…

So I’m kinda unsure about what really is happening since I haven’t seen the OVA. But I really like what I see and I’m looking forward to watching and blogging this series. Oh, hell yeah. I’m blogging this!! 😀  Now why is this only 8 episodes again?