Tag Archives: Sword Art Online

Toonami in 2015, and what I’m hoping for in 2016

Wallpapers_1920x1080_1So how was your Christmas? Did you get the gifts you wanted? Get wasted on eggnog? I sure as hell did.

With the Toonami block trimmed down to 3.5 hours, 5 new shows grabbed, 3 of these yet to be concluded next year, a number of marathons, and one Immersion Event, Toonami’s had a fairly crazy 2015, don’t you think? But while Toonami isn’t exactly in the dumps, it can recover.

So here are somethings that I’m personally (and hopefully) am looking to see from Toonami in 2016 (at least the first half).

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When Did Anime Get All Rape-y All of a Sudden?

"Hmm. How can we make our viewers hate this already despicable villain to the point that they want his head on a stick? I know! Let's make him commit attempted rape on the hero's girlfriend!" To think this guy also voiced Dio Brando. I mean Dio's awesome. This guy's a scumbag.

“Hmm. How can we make our viewers hate this already despicable villain to the point that they want his head on a stick? I know! Let’s make him commit attempted rape on the hero’s girlfriend!”
To think this guy also voiced Dio Brando. I mean Dio’s awesome. This guy’s a scumbag.

"And commiting murder isn't enough for this guy to be lower than scum. Let's make him attempt to rape her too. Gotta make Kirito look like the hero somehow."

“And commiting murder isn’t enough for this guy to be lower than scum. Let’s make him attempt to rape her too. Gotta make Kirito look like the hero somehow.” Oh, and apparently, this scene wasn’t in the novels. This was added just for the anime

Yeah, you Toonami faithful had to watch Sword Art Online‘s yet another terrible use of attempted rape to create drama. And I just want to say… I’m sorry. I’m sorry that modern anime has gotten to such a low point.

And the worst part is that it’s not just Sword Art Online. Numerous anime nowadays try to do attempted rape and pretty much all of them have done it badly. So… consider yourself lucky?

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Live, Die, Bleed: OW THE EDGE of Terrible Writing

OWkameTHEEDGESo this has been bothering me for quite some time, and I’m gotten rather fed up with this new trend of action. And with Akame ga Kill! set for a Toonami airing in August after Kill la Kill wraps up, now’s as good as time as any to talk about it.

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Seasonal Anime Reviews: Fall 2014



Well, 2014 has come and gone, and it left us three of the best comic book movies of the decade so far (One of them is not The Amazing Spider-Man 2. That one sucked worse than Spider-Man 3.), the worst Transformers movie ever (Fuck you, Michael Bay. You tasteless hack. I put up with Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon, but that 2-hour 45-minute pile of garbage Age of Extinction was the last straw. Paramount, if you want me to remotely care about the inevitable Transformers 5, hire a competent director), the return of Sailor Moon, a new Mario Kart, a new Smash Bros., a season of The Boondocks that should never have been, Rick and Morty, and Mike Tyson Mysteries. And a certain Frozen song that once you hear it, your head will never le– You get the idea. Thanks a lot, Adele Dazeem! Good year for most of media, not so much for anime. I’ll talk about it later, but believe you me, it was not a good anime year.

Seasonal Thoughts: *slow clap* I wasn’t expecting much of anything out of this season at all, but surprise, surprise. This season was great! The best season of anime this year, if I do say so myself. The only good season this year. Heck, I was looking towards the sequels to keep me entertained, but the new stuff held out just as much. Well, except for one sequel… You’re probably wondering where Gonna be the Twin-tails (Ore Twintails ni Narimasu) is. I decided that I’ve had my fair share of dumb shows for the year and I heard that show was pretty dumb, so I swapped it with Yuki Yuna at the last minute. Probably a decision for the best. Oh, and speaking of dumb, Sword Art Online is still the most idiotic writing I’ve even seen in an anime. And speaking of idiotic…

Anyhoo, the Naruto manga has finally concluded, and you know what really grinds my gears about that damned ending? The fact that Sasuke committed numerous crimes against not only his own home village but the entire ninja world, consisting of treason, murder, and probably kicking someone’s dog somewhere along the way. He even threatened to kill his former friends, for Christ’s sake! And after all that he’s done, he says “sorry” and all is forgiven?! Like, what?! Seriously, Kishimoto?! They don’t at least have him pay for his crimes; they just say “Sure, OK. Apology accepted. Now go and knock up that girl you said you never liked.” No! No No No No No! To Hell with this ending! Personally, I would’ve much rather have Sasuke drop dead instead. Probably would’ve been better than Kishimoto playing favorites with this scumbag until the very end. This all smells like a really bad cop-out to me, and you know how much I strongly despise cop-outs. So yeah, Naruto‘s ending left me with an extremely bad taste in the mouth. Not as bad as a few certain shows, but still… I suppose I’ll still watch The Last since Naruto and Hinata getting together is one of the few things about the ending that didn’t burn me up.

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Sword Art Offline II #23 & #24(End)

Screenshot - 7_5_2014 , 3_01_21 PM

Go to Hell, SAO. Go to the seventh layer of Hell along with Mahouka and stay there. Forever.

Well, I think I’m officially exhausted with Sword Art Online. It shows because I’m not even up to watching it again for screencaps (The above screencap is from the first episode and I don’t really like making posts without screencaps). Yeah, I mean, I’m committed to finishing what I start, but is it really worth it? I mean, it’s not like it’s getting any better. When I start to think it does, it only gets worse. And I have to constantly put up with it because a premise like this deserves better and I want to see it for myself how worse it gets. Yes, I’ve accepted the fact that it is popular (and undeserving of its popularity), and that a third season is unfortunately likely, but everyone is entitled to have an opinion, whether they like it or not. Seriously, if you that it’s impossible to dislike Sword Art Online (or any other anime for that matter) and attack anyone who disagrees with you, you are a terrible anime fan.

So without further ado, I’m going to do what I do best: Be the Christmas Grinch by pissing off Sword Art Online fanboys the world over. Then I can just grab some booze and drink it all away. And then just watch .hack//SIGN and Log Horizon. Y’know, real MMO anime.

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Sword AIDS Online II #22

Screenshot - 12_10_2014 , 11_40_59 PMThat sounds… terrible. So, doc. What kinda terminal disease does Yuuki have anyway? Probably like some unknown, random, fictional disease, or…?

Screenshot - 12_10_2014 , 11_41_18 PM Screenshot - 12_10_2014 , 11_41_39 PM

Ah, it can’t be that bad, is it?

…Is it?

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SAO II #17, #18, #19, #20, #21: Sleeping Knights are Wide Awake

Screenshot - 12_10_2014 , 11_17_09 PMOnly a handful of episodes of this garbage remain to tear apart, and I intend on finishing all of theme before Christmas morning.

Wait a minute. Just Asuna? Kirito’s absent?! A boss fight with real teamwork?!! Heeeeeey, what show am I watching? This sure as hell ain’t that crappy show. You sure this ain’t Log Horizon? *reads title* Uhhh? Did Sword Art Online actually get somewhat decent when I was away?

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Harem Art Online II #14 & #15

I have to remind myself that this is a girl who was once traumatized by gun violence.

I have to remind myself that this is a girl who was once traumatized by gun violence.

OK, I had to take some time off after Episode 13 to cool off, because Sword Art Online went back to being insulting and gross. Did you expect it not to?

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SAO II #13: Gun Gale Offline

He's climbing in your windows. He's shooting your people up, trying to off 'em. So you need to hide your kids, hide your wife And hide your husband, 'cause they offing everybody out here.

He’s climbing in your windows. He’s shooting your people up, trying to off ’em.
So you need to hide your kids, hide your wife
And hide your husband, ’cause they offing everybody out here.

End of the arc time, guys. What to expect? Usually the formula goes like this: Kirito wins via some cop-out deus ex machina; Bad guy having a really stupid motivation, or none at all, for being evil.

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SAO 2MuchTraumaDrama4Me #10

And here you though she wasn't going to be part of Kirito's harem.

And here you though she wasn’t going to be part of Kirito’s harem.

A eulogy to Sinon’s character. Started off with an unneccessary ass shot. Ended with being gun violence nonsense that leads her to being dependent on Kirito.

What, were you expecting her not to be reduced to nothing?

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