Tag Archives: Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean

2012 Anime in Review

yourfavoriteanimeisshitWell, how about that? Turns out the Mayans were wrong. I’ve had my first full year of blogging under my belt and 2012 brought us good things, some bad things, some weird things, Toonami’s return to television, The Avengers, and something that’s so unbelievably horrendous, it’s even worse than Master of Martial Hearts.

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Eureka Seven AO #23 & #24(End): Renton Explains it All

"I'm the one that caused this clusterfuck of an anime. And now I'm here to fix it."

“I’m the one that caused this clusterfuck of an anime. And now I’m here to fix it.”

This is it, Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean. Right now, you’re treading on thin ice. If you can pull of a decent final two episodes, I will even forgive your godawful OVA episode.

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Eureka Seven AO #22: Truth’s Mistaken Identity Crisis


Truth’s causing more trouble, as usual. Also, we catch up on an old friend.

NOTE: Due to the episode delays and Blast of Tempest (Zetsuen no Tempest) filling its timeslot, the final two episodes of Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean will air next month.

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Eureka Seven AO #21: Now with Replacement Elena

Obligatory Noa image

I can’t believe that bullshit call at the end of the Packers-Seahawks game Monday night. Maybe after this fiasco, the NFL can keep the real refs at their job.

Anyway, onto Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean. Oh wait, there’s a replacement in that show too.  😛

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Eureka Seven AO #20: Canon Fodder

How much more Evangelion can Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean get in the final four? We already got “Preteens piloting giant robots and fighting aliens”, “Hiding clandestine stuff in the basement”, and now we got “Clandestine stuff in the basement gets loose”.

End of Evangelion route, here we come!!!

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Eureka Seven AO #18: Pied Piper’s Despair

I think this episode has taught us never to get between Noa and her jellybeans.

So last episode, the Allied Forces took Ao in, and his absense spells issues amongst Team Pied Piper.

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Eureka Seven AO #17: The Coralian Who Leapt Through Time

Y’know. I bet an entire episode dedicated to Noa would be ten times better than the entire second half. Heck, put the entire camera on her for the rest of the series, and it’ll be way better than Eureka Seven. Nah, I kid. But honestly, I kinda wish they did do that.

Anyhoo, Last episode, you will recall the Nirvash Mark I’s new toy, the Quartz Gun, created a time paradox. Whoops.

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Eureka Seven AO #16: Quartz in a Cannon

And thus was proven that Suda 51 does indeed exist in this world of Eureka Seven.

Well, Astral Ocean is back and I gotta say… to be honest, I didn’t really miss it all that much. These past few episodes have gotten really confusing to the point that it’s hard for me to follow. I still intend on watching this show to the end, but I’m not liking the direction it’s going. Dare I say I’m starting to prefer Good Night, Sleep Tight, Young Lovers over this? Continue reading

Eureka Seven AO #15: Secrets of the World

That feel when your favorite shows go on break for a few weeks.

So… Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean‘s getting a break too. Just when I decide to stop slacking off, this happens. Great… Continue reading